Best Tamborine Mountain Walks
Below we give you a little glimpse at the 5 Best Tamborine Mountain Walks. The bush walking tracks take you through rainforests with large strangler figs, piccabeen palm groves and tall trees festooned with vines, ferns and orchids. The National Parks are also a bird watchers paradise. Click here for a full list of the 27 National Park Walks in the Scenic Rim region. Go and experience nature in the raw.
Three of the National Park Walks are a short stroll from Amore B&B.
Base your stay at Amore the most central accommodation venue on Mt. Tamborine.
Curtis Falls Waterfall and Bush Walking Trail – Joalah Section – 1.5 km Curtis Falls Walk (return) – 130 steps.
The Joalah (haunt of the Lyrebird) section of the National Park features the 1.5 km Curtis Falls Walk (return) see the Walk to a waterfall (Video No 2).It descends to a rock pool at the base of the falls, offering fine views of the basalt rock face.
Brush-turkeys can be seen along the Joalah Circuit (4 km) which links up with the Curtis Falls Walk.The Joalah section features majestic wet eucalypt forest, dominated by giant flooded gums, surrounded by lush tropical rainforest with piccabeen palms, ferns and strangler figs.
Located within the Gallery Walk Environs Precinct with access off Eagle Heights Road or Dapsang Drive – toilets available. If you need a map or an information sheet you will find one in your room as this is but one of the Best Tamborine Mountain Walks and features in our Walk to a Waterfall POST and MAP GUIDE
The Waterfall is a short stroll from Amore B&B.
Macdonald Bush Walking Track – 1.4 km circuit (allow 30 minutes), easy grade.
This relatively flat walking track passes through rainforest with large strangler figs, piccabeen palm groves and tall trees festooned with vines and ferns. The track is ideal for birdwatchers and visitors seeking a quiet rainforest walk away from road noise and large numbers of people.
Instantly calming, the peaceful subtropical rainforest of the MacDonald section is the perfect place to relax and discover a fascinating and rich ecosystem. Giant trees such as strangler figs and yellow carabeens rise as high as 30 m into the sky, blocking out the sunlight with a ceiling of leaves. A shady, humid world exists beneath the closed canopy. Climbing vines and epiphytes cling to the giant trees high above the ground where light is easier to come by. Delicate ferns and fungi cluster on the darkened rainforest floor.
Lush groves of piccabeen palms thrive along the waterlogged areas. Located within the Gallery Walk Environs Precinct access is from Wongawallen Road at the northern fig-tree roundabout of Gallery Walk, parking is about 200 metres down the road opposite the Heritage Center. It is one of the 5 Best Tamborine Mountain Walks Park. It features in our Olde Eagle Heights Walking Trail POST and MAP GUIDE.
The Track is a short stroll from Amore B&B
Palm Grove National Park is but a short stroll from Amore B&B.

We have Walking Maps available.
Piccabeen palm groves and rainforest with emergent strangler figs and distinctively buttressed yellow carabeens feature on this walk. Palm Grove Avenue is the main access point and car park for this walking track.
The Palm Grove section is named after the piccabeen palm Archontophoenix cunninghamiana that grows abundantly here. These palms have aerial roots that are exposed above the soil surface. This unusual feature allows them to absorb oxygen despite the waterlogged soils of this area. Parking for buses and caravans is not available. The Park features in our Olde Eagle Heights Walking Trail POST and MAP GUIDE.
Cameron Falls Waterfall and Bush Walking Track – The Knoll Section – (3 km)
The Knoll section of the National Park is located in the north-west of North Tamborine. It contains the Cameron Falls Circuit (3 km) which offers fine views, rainforest environs, open forest and the occasional black skink sunbathing on the rocks.Lush subtropical rainforest is sustained by ideal conditions at The Knoll—high rainfall, rich volcanic soil and sheltered gullies.
At the halfway point of your bush walk you will be at Cameron Falls Waterfall — views to the border ranges and the majesty that is Cameron Falls. Following heavy rain the Falls are a pumping and the cascading white water framed by the rock face and rainforest trees makes an awesome sight. Put a visit to Cameron Falls on your bucket list.
Tall trees such as strangler figs and piccabeen palms create the forest’s closed canopy, limiting light reaching the forest floor. Plants and animals found here have adapted to survive in this shaded, humid environment.Open eucalypt forest grows on the exposed north-west cliffs of The Knoll.
Huge eucalypt trees including flooded gums, spotted gums, scribbly gums, bloodwoods and ironbarks dominate this dry forest. A large amount of sunlight streams through the open canopy, allowing wattles and kangaroo grass to flourish on the forest floor.The Knoll also contains stands of the forest she-oak Allocasuarina torulosa.
The small brown cones and winged seeds of this tree are an important food source for glossy black-cockatoos Calyptorhychus lathami.The Knoll is home to one of Australia’s beautiful native flowering trees, the lacebark Brachychiton discolour. In summer this deciduous tree is covered in large pink bell-shaped flowers and is a valuable food plant for tailed emperor butterfly Polyura sempronius larvae.
For access turn off Main Western Road into Main Street, continue past the shops to the residential area where it becomes Knoll Road, keep left where the road forks and you are there. Adequate parking, toilets, both open and covered picnic settings, electric BBQs and lookouts to Brisbane and the Western Ranges. It is one of the 5 Best Tamborine Mountain Walks.
A favourite with both locals and visitors.
Witches Falls – Waterfall and Bush Walking Track – 3.1km/1 hour.
The Witches Falls section became Queensland’s first national park in 1908. The main walking track here is the Witches Falls Circuit (3 km. moderate grade) which winds down a steep slope through closed in forest into rainforest with cyclad groves, seasonal lagoons, enormous strangler figs and palm groves en route to the falls.Lush subtropical rainforest, featuring large red cedar trees and strangler figs, thrives in the Witches Falls section.
Eucalypt forest and open forests of banksia trees grow in the poorer nutrient soils where conditions are generally drier. After heavy rain, seasonal lagoons at the Witches Falls section fill with water and the lagoons spring to life.The Witches Falls Waterfallis reached just past the northern return track T-junction.
Spend time at the viewing platform not only for the falls but to take in the views to the Western Ranges. You will return via the northern exit bushwalking track zigzagging up the sloop through the dense rainforest. The Circuit starts from the picnic area on Main Western Road – electric BBQs, picnic tables and toilets available. It is one of the 5 Best Tamborine Mountain Walks.
Queensland’s 1st National Park.
Cedar Creek – Rock Pools and Cascades
One of the most delightful walking tracks in the whole Tamborine area is the Cedar Creek Circuit (3.2 km) which explores the creek’s various cascades, rock pools and plant communities, such as open and dry rainforest and hoop pines. Cedar Creek Waterfalls tumble (gently rather than spectacularly) down into a gully.
Magnificent cascades rock pools and waterfall. You descend down through open forest and dry rainforest and arrive at the popular swimming holes after crossing extensive jumbled rock scree slopes just before the creek. The 1.5 km Rock Scree Walk intersects with the circuit walk for a potential detour.
At Cedar Creek section, tall, sun-drenched gum trees burst with vibrant flowers and brush box, iron barks, bloodwoods and forest red gums are well suited to the ancient and nutrient-poor soil.
The fragrant, open eucalypt forest gives way to dry rainforest where fragile orchids and ferns decorate the forest floor. Fertile soil washed downstream from the mountain top supports patches of dry rainforest growing along Cedar Creek. Trees such as grey myrtle Backhousia myrtifolia and smooth tuckeroo Cupaniopsis serrata reach towards the sky and form a canopy, sheltering delicate rainforest plants in the understorey. It is another in the list of the 5 Best Tamborine Mountain Walks.